Voting FAQs

  • 1. Can I check to see if I’m already registered to vote?

    Of course! You can easily confirm your voter registration status online or by phone in most states. Just hop over to our Check Registration (or Voter Info) page for all the links and numbers you’ll need. It’s like checking your pizza delivery status, but for democracy!

  • 2. How long does it take to process my voter registration?

    Hang tight, future voter! It typically takes 5 to 7 weeks for most states to send out your shiny new voter registration card. Haven’t received it yet? No worries! Give your state election office a buzz or check your registrations online to make sure you’re on the list. And hey, don’t forget to double-check your registration a week before your state’s deadline – just to be extra sure!

  • 3. Do I need to pick a political party when I register to vote?

    Nope, you don’t have to pick a party if you don’t want to. However, some states ask you to choose a party to be able to vote in that party’s primary election*. If you’re not into picking sides, just write “No party” on your form and you’re good to go! 

    *The Primary Election is when political parties choose their candidates for the main election (also known as the general election) and a chance for voters to help decide which candidates will be on the ballot.

  • 4. Will I get called to show up for jury duty if I register to vote?

    Maybe, but you could also be called for jury duty based on your driver’s license or utility bills. It’s like a surprise party invitation, but for civic duty!

  • 5. I’m not 18 yet, but will be 18 by election day. Can I still register to vote?

    You bet! In most states, you can register if you’ll be 18 years old by the next election day. But wait, there’s a twist! In AK, GA, IA, MO, and TX, there are specific time frames before your birthday when you can register. Check the rules, and if you’re eligible, go ahead and register here.

  • 6. I don’t currently live at the address on my driver’s license (or state ID). Can I register at my new address?

    Absolutely! It’s important to re-register every time you move. You can register at your current address, no matter what your driver’s license says. But remember, at the polls (the voting location), you might need to show a document with your current address. Different states have different ID rules, so it’s best to check with your Secretary of State’s office or consider voting by absentee ballot.

  • 7. Can I vote if I am a convicted felon?

    This one’s a bit tricky as laws vary by state. In some places, your voting rights are automatically restored after your sentence, while in others, you might need to take extra steps. Don’t register to vote until you know your state’s specific laws and regulations (or “understand the voting rights of convicted felons in your area”). For more info, visit ProCon’s Felon Voter Information website.

  • 8. Can I register to vote if I have U.S. citizenship, but I am currently living abroad and don’t have my own permanent address in the USA?

    Yes, you can! Register at the last U.S. address you had, or the one you plan to return to. Just make sure there’s a real intent to return there. Never lived in the U.S. but still a citizen? No problem! You can register at an address you’re moving to or where your family lives. The Overseas Vote Foundation is your go-to for all info on voting from abroad.

  • 9. How do I vote if I know I will be away from home on Election Day?

    Don’t let travel plans stop you! Vote by absentee ballot, or take advantage of early voting offered by many states.

  • 10. Do I have to fill out my entire ballot for it to still count?

    Nope, your ballot counts even if it’s not completely filled out. But hey, why miss the chance to have your say on everything? Fill it all out for the full voting experience!

  • 11. How do I vote by mail?

    You can request an absentee ballot and vote from home. However, in other states, you may need a valid reason, like being unable to go to the polling place due to physical ability, military duty, etc. Make sure to check your state’s vote by mail rules.Also check out our Request An Absentee Ballot page.

  • 12. Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to register to vote?

    Yes. To register to vote, you must be either a naturally born U.S. citizen or have completed the process of full naturalization.